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2 Years Ago
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5 Cute and Fun Sorority Big Little Reveal Ideas

Big/Little is one of the most coveted traditions in a sorority. Here's a few ideas to help you do yours right!
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Big/Little is one of the most coveted traditions in a sorority and the anticipation leading up to finding out who your big is unlike no other feeling. Not only is this day about gaining a new Greek family member, but it’s about spoiling a new member with goodies and making them feel like the most special little sister in the world. 

Here are ten different ideas we have seen for a successful big/little reveal:

  1. Big in a box: This reveal is typically seen in the south and it includes the big decorating a large box to the theme of their family and hiding in it. The little then stands in front of the box dressed according to the theme and when the time comes, the big pops out and surprises her new little! This is a fantastic way to ensure that costumes are involved and the box can be a fun keepsake! Here is a YouTube video showing what this reveal would look like!
  2. Surprise game: The next reveal idea includes the element of surprise! You can instruct your members to come to the house for a mandatory meeting and then tell them they are going to play a game. They can all stand in a circle and close their eyes. Current members will then go to the middle of the circle and begin the game. They will say statements like “tap a sister who makes you smile” and “tap a sister who motivates you”. All the girls on the outer ring will be tapped meanwhile their bigs are lining up in front of them. When everyone is matched up, the final phrase will be, “TAP A SISTER WHO’S YOUR LITTLE!!!!” The girls will open their eyes to their big and might look a little shocked at first, but ultimately go along with the surprise. This is such a fun surprise reveal, however, it makes it a little difficult to incorporate costumes. Here’s a YouTube video to help you visualize this reveal! 
  3. Scavenger hunt: There is nothing more rewarding than going to find a series of hints to end with a new big sister! Scavenger hunts are a great way to conduct a big little reveal and can be done around campus or even throughout your chapter's house. The big can hide clues that lead the new member to find her and these clues can have so much meaning to them such as places they have hung out together or facts about one another. Overall, a scavenger hunt is a timeless big/little reveal idea that will be around forever. 
  4. Clues throughout the week: Another big/little reveal idea that is commonly used in the south is providing clues for your little throughout a span of the week leading up to the reveal. You could either try and give your little hints so she has an idea who her big is going to be, or if you want to make it really fun, use this opportunity to throw her off so she doesn’t suspect that she is your little. These clues are most likely placed in a girl's dorm and could include fun facts about the big or gifts that remind the little of a specific girl in the house that could be their big. Overall, this is a fun way to amp up the anticipation for the actual reveal and either open their eyes to who their big could be or completely confuse them just for fun. 
  5. Find your twin: The final idea that I have involves costumes! Coming up with your family theme and creating costumes for it is so fun! This also makes for great Instagram pictures at the reveal. All you have to do is decide on what theme you’re going for, make sure you have matching outfits for your whole Greek fam, and distribute them so everyone has their costume to wear for the big day. When it comes time for the reveal, everyone will be in their costumes and find the person who is wearing the same thing as them, and BAM, there’s your big. 

If you are currently in the process of trying to decide how you want your chapter to conduct a big/little reveal this year, a weight should now be lifted off your shoulders. I promise you that you simply cannot go wrong with any of these ideas! 

Bonus: If you're looking for big little reveal merch or gift ideas, here are a few designs you can customize. You're welcome!