5 Easy Ways to Start Building a Strong Network in College
College can be a world of opportunity. It’s all about how you take advantage of that world. Everyone can talk all they want about how College is your answer to getting a job and starting your career, however, it is really based on who you meet and if you make something out of your relationships with people. Networking is one of the most important skills to practice in college and I am here to give you insight on how to do so!
Here are five ways to start building your network while in college.
1. Connect with your professors outside of class
There have now been multiple occasions where my professors are working in the field that I wish to end up in after college. Don’t be afraid to stay after class one day and formally introduce yourself, spark a conversation, and finally end with asking for their link and any other contact information. They are going to see this initiative and immediately want to learn more about you and even if they don't have a job to offer you, they could now be more inclined to help you find another one.
2. Seek mentors
Going along with staying in touch with your professor, this person could be a mentor for you. Whether you like it or not, everyone needs a little guidance here and there. A mentor is someone who genuinely wants the best for you, but also is going to push you past your limits which may be difficult times. Seeing a mentor in college could be a game-changer for your career. To build that relationship with someone you could see as your mentor, ask them to grab a coffee on campus just to chat and to get advice. Whether or not you put a label on it, one cup of coffee could turn this person into a mentor for life.
3. Attend career fairs
I know they may seem intimidating, but career fairs are offered for a reason. Your school is basically handing you the most perfect networking opportunity, so it would be silly of you not to take advantage of it. Go, dress nice, and get your name out there. It doesn’t even have to be with companies you are seriously interested in. Yes, that would be ideal, but the more companies you get your name out to the better.
4. Connect using LinkedIn
LinkedIn is one of the easiest ways to network. Especially since college students are very educated when it comes to social media, LinkedIn is an easy way to connect with people you may or may not know, but have some sort of connection with.
Some basic things to master right off the bat are having a solid profile picture (professional headshot with appropriate attire), your past work experience, where you go to school, and what kind of career you are looking into. Then, start connecting with everyone you know professionally - acquaintances are fine too! Some of the most clutch connections could open up opportunities for you.
5. Consider Becoming a Fresh Prints Campus Manager
Many can speak from experience and say that becoming a Fresh Prints Campus Manager truly was a step in the right direction when it comes to networking and gaining professional experience in college. As a CM, you are able to work with several different organizations, leading to many different conversations and getting your name out there to people you may not have had the chance to get to know otherwise. You are also learning key skills that you will use for the rest of your career such as communication and organization. Get started here.
There you have it. These five ways should kick-start your networking journey. Networking is a long process and can be frustrating at times, but it’s all about the effort you put into it. One day, that random connection will stick, and you’ll be looking at a future job through a new relationship. Happy networking!